- Formalize and expand workforce development program relationships externally and internally. Current workforce pipelines target administrative positions and we are expanding relationships with workforce programs to include IT, facility and construction positions. TU will increase awareness of these programs on campus and formalize a hiring process that hires from the workforce pipelines in Greater Baltimore.
- Increase partnerships and employment opportunities within distressed neighborhoods in Greater Baltimore.
- Expand outreach programs and highlight training resources for small and minority owned businesses in Greater Baltimore to help meet the state mandate of 15% for purchases through the Small Business Reserve Program as well as the 29% mandate for MBE purchases.
Year Four Progress: MBE spending 18% and Small Business spending 23%
Year Five Progress: MBE spending 18% and Small Business spending 27%
- Implement a procurement portal and host vendor fairs to highlight small, local, and diverse businesses from Greater Baltimore and help them connect with the campus community.
Year Four Progress: Planned and discussed the potential internal “marketplace” tool for accessing vendors. Established interest for hosting TU vendor fairs on campus. Participated in non TU hosted vendor fairs throughout the year targeting small, local, and diverse businesses from Greater Baltimore.
Year Five Progress: Continued strategy discussions on improving how internal campus community is connected with small, local, and diverse businesses from Greater Baltimore.
- Expand reporting and communication with our contractors and vendors on local hiring and local supplier practices for Greater Baltimore.
Year Four Progress: No updates.
Year Five Progress: Engaged in planning and strategy sessions to establish approach and communication steps with contractors and vendors.
About Towson University
Towson University, founded in 1866, offers nationally recognized undergraduate and graduate programs in the liberal arts, sciences, arts, and applied professional fields. Located just outside of Baltimore, TU is the largest university in the Baltimore area and the second-largest university in the prestigious University System of Maryland. As a productive, research-oriented comprehensive university, it provides students with extraordinary opportunities to work alongside faculty in addressing significant issues, while also generating new knowledge to solve real world societal problems.
Towson University is a community-engaged anchor institution. Through mutually beneficial partnerships, TU is committed to improving the socioeconomic conditions of individuals and families on our campus and in our region. TU is developing intentional economic inclusion practices in the areas of hiring and purchasing to move this work forward.
Towson University joined BLocal during year five of the initiative. Towson University will report on progress in 2021.